Increase employee wellbeing with a conversation
Are you already making a difference by being a company that looks after employee wellbeing?
Recently we have all had to deal with profound changes in the workplace. We have been kept on our toes coping with the ever-evolving Covid protocols and the challenges this has brought. We may never go back fully to how things were.
Helping employees navigate these tricky waters and remain engaged and positive isn’t always easy. What if you could develop your teams to create healthy, high-performance workplaces that are more resilient to change.
Supporting people to venture in and have big conversations about important subjects in life and death is key. Through these sessions, you can support their wellbeing by helping them feel more connected, understood, prepared and ultimately building their resilience.
Organisations like yours can make a profound difference by giving employees the tools to do the same. The benefits of making space to allow these conversations and skills to develop are numerous. Staff feel supported, listened to, engaged, and they leave with skills that can really make a difference in both their professional and personal lives.
Benefits in the workplace include transferable skills such as being able to tackle difficult subject matter, having the confidence to discuss important workplace needs, greater employee engagement and strengthening team dynamics.
Build on your trusted employee wellness offering and consolidate your positive company culture. Achieve great things by creating space to have big and important conversations about how we live and how we die.
It takes a bold and fearless approach to discuss the importance of ‘death management’, such as Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney (LPAs) and what to do at the moment of care. But, in doing so, you begin to think about how to live and what to do with your precious time. That is an incredible gift.
To see how huunuu can provide you with the tools and products to engender this positive impact contact: findoutmore@huunuu.com