Unlikely wellbeing hacks
Often, when people think about quick fixes and tools to help with wellbeing, we immediately think of happy and uplifting things. Fresh air, sunshine, exercise: upbeat exciting things. Well, that’s what I have found at least.
That isn’t the case for me. Those small quick fixes to boost my mood and make me happier may be considered a little different. My choices would be: Sad music, watching TV shows that I’ve seen many times already and having a good cry!
Can you relate? Or does that sound completely bonkers? I promise I have my reasons and there is some science behind it too.
Let’s get into it…
Sad music
When I listen to sad music, I feel a real sense of calm. I feel I can reflect and connect with the emotion in the song.
Now I’m not sure if this is due to feeling empathic or connecting to the lyrics through a shared experience, but I do know I feel less lonely.
Personally, the main reason why I enjoy sad music is because it is beautiful. There is something about the haunting melodies and sometimes the minor key that moves me.
TV shows on repeat
TV shows you’ve seen before, Isn’t that a little boring?!
Not for me! I know I’m not the only one who seeks out a comforting show when I feel stressed. It has to be something I have seen at least once, but to be honest probably many times at this point.
When I feel down, stressed, or have had a difficult few days, I want to relax. And the way I can achieve that is by watching something where I know what is going to happen. I know the outcome and the emotions I might feel throughout. I want a sense of control, predictability, and familiarity.
I find that when I sit and watch the shows, I’ve seen many times (such as Gilmore Girls, Schitt’s Creek, Brooklyn 99 to name a few) my brain can switch off. And that is good for my wellbeing.
I think this is the one that might seem a little strange to help support wellbeing. But have you ever just thought, I need a good cry to make myself feel better?
I know sometimes people see crying as a weakness, so you might try to avoid it as much as possible.
I don’t believe crying is a weakness in the slightest. In fact, sometimes quite the opposite. If it happens it is because it is needed, we need the release of emotions to help us out.
Tears aren’t always due to sadness they can be from anger, feeling overwhelmed, stress and happiness even. Once you get those tears out you can start to think more clearly and feel calmer.
So, next time you feel a bit down or overwhelmed and need something quick to boost your wellbeing, why not consider a slightly alternative way to help? You might find that a comforting show, a good cry, or sad music works really well for you. At least to get you in a good frame of mind and motivated to get out and about enjoying sunshine and movement.
We are all so different and so we need to consider all angles and options for boosting our wellbeing.
One size doesn’t always fit all.