Proactive wellbeing

Proactive wellbeing

If someone said to you; ‘How important is it for you to be comfortable, healthy, and happy?’ I’d like to think your response would be; ‘It’s very important.’  

This is the very definition of wellbeing and if we understand that, then we can begin to make choices towards it. This is proactive wellbeing which can help prevent burnout and support the retention and engagement of employees. 

  “Staying on top of our mental wellbeing is good for us now but also helps us manage difficult times in the future. Over time, it can also reduce our risk of physical health problems.” 

Read more wellbeing tips from the NHS here.

By being proactive and keeping ourselves well, both physically and mentally we can begin to think ahead and prioritise wellbeing. If we think of it in business terms, for progress to happen we can’t stay stuck in tactical tasks. We also need to think strategically to keep the business going and running healthily long term. And the same should be applied to you and your employee’s wellbeing.  

Our wellbeing is one of the most important things to look after to keep us not just going through the motions, but able to thrive and flourish. We need to think and plan ahead to manage our wellbeing effectively.  

If you take care challenges don’t become a huge problem that take a large amount of time or become something that consumes us. If we are proactive about our wellbeing it is far more manageable and only takes small bitesize chunks out of our day.  


So, how, as an employer, can we support proactive wellbeing?

  • Discuss it – keep the conversation channels open.  
  • Lead from the front- if employees see you taking care of your wellbeing, they will see that wellbeing is a priority to you and the company. 
  • Promote work life balance/integration 
  • Make wellbeing a part of your work culture and the benefits of it known – make your employees aware what is available to them and how you can support them.  

If wellbeing management becomes an integral part of looking after your staff and you are proactive with it, you can normalise wellbeing and create positive habits which could lead to cultural changes.  

One of the ways huunuu are proactive is to open the conversation. huunuu’s methodology focuses on discussion and sharing to make an impact and promote action: being proactive, not reactive. It provides awareness about a specific subject matter and employees also gain transferable wellbeing skills.

Wellbeing management and care is important at all times, but it can be best managed before we begin to struggle. It is far better to begin from a position of strength and proactively make changes before a problem arises. We need to take the time and invest in it to see long term benefits for ourselves and employees.  

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