Individual, team and place

Individual, team and place

We all have our own individual identities that we bring to our workplaces. When we are at work, we aspire to have collective goals or a collective outcome to reach a certain point, and this is part of a bigger team dynamic. Our environment plays a part and determines our behaviour as we navigate the place we find ourselves in.

So, how do we pull together these myriad aspects into a happy and healthy workplace? We require a holistic and rounded approach to our workplace with our wellbeing at the centre, creating a culture that feels supportive and inclusive to all.

A culture that encourages open communication, respect and empathy is a great place to start. If the people we work with feel comfortable and vulnerable talking about their challenges, that will feed into the team conversations and ultimately the environment.

A supportive and inclusive place that cares about wellbeing creates a thriving working environment allowing individuals and teams to shine and feel the value they add. If it becomes something of a shared responsibility throughout the organisation, individual, team and place goals and achievements can begin to form real cohesion and the achievement of a collective outcome.

As we know, the impact of a person can have a big impact on dynamics and directly impact the effectiveness of a team. Negativity, disengagement and feeling unvalued can spread tensions, compromise collaboration and make for an unpleasant experience for all.

An engaged employee has the reverse effect and exponentially contributes to the wellbeing of an organisation. After all, in a team, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is why wellbeing is key to a successful organisation.

Providing opportunities for growth can be helpful for our people to see a way forward with clear direction and signposting. Wellbeing growth can begin to address problems such as workplace stress, where people begin to experience burnout and ‘quietly quit’ from their roles.

Healthy workplace training embeds wellbeing and resilience into an organisation by supporting life’s challenges and celebrating life wins. You have to know what you can do to help you with the harder stuff. Here at huunuu, our wellbeing sessions bring in many aspects of self-care and learning using different mediums. From group-to-group conversations, making individual plans, detailing preferences, listening and opening up about personal experience and taking account for yourself, all help you learn, and utilise practical tools for your benefit.

And by supporting difficult conversations that happen in the workplace, which we are all exposed to, can lead to a whole host of wellbeing benefits. We know that some of these conversations may be about life-limiting or life-changing illnesses, grief, sudden loss or change. A holistic understanding of how to participate and share these challenges leads to a more resilient and supported team, that feels comfortable within their teams and wider workplace.

Teams that find collaboration more comfortable; build support networks, they connect and enjoy a sense of belonging and value.

Considering the individual, the team and the place is key to workplace wellness. We are all interconnected.

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