Check-in with yourself

Check-in with yourself

This is your reminder to check in with yourself and see how you are doing and what you might need to do to maintain your wellbeing.

Checking in with yourself is to take a moment to acknowledge how you feel emotionally and physically.

But what a bizarre idea, surely you would just know? It is about how you are doing after all.

The number of times I’ve realised I only have a sense of how I am feeling and that I’m actually not too sure. I mean how often do you get asked how you are? And you reply with just a vague ‘good’ or ‘fine’, no real specifics?

Taking a beat to really consider how you are doing is not only a useful tool for awareness, but it enables you to plan how to address your needs and to act on those needs.

Five ways to help you check in with yourself.

Take a break. Sometimes taking a step back is how we view ourselves clearly. Take some time for you away from your normal routine.

Fresh air. There is something about getting out in the fresh air that kick-starts your brain into thinking. A walk or a sit down in your favourite outdoor place will help you to really start to reflect.

Get creative. Let those creative juices flow and write or draw in a journal, sort your thoughts out on a mind map or freestyle your ideas.

Quiet time. If you are someone who needs quiet and calm to tap into personal thoughts and feelings, then how about meditation or sitting in silence?

Connection. Not everyone reflects in silence or on their own so if you are the person who needs to talk it out then chat with someone you know and trust.

If you can check in with yourself once a day and have an active awareness of your emotional and physical feelings, you can start to consider and prioritise your needs. A step in the right direction for great wellbeing.

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